Life Lists: They're like bucket lists, but less morbid and more doable, because you give it a specific time-frame. Scribbled with my sisters while drinking tea a week ago, this year's is pretty exciting.
- go to Africa
- have red West African dirt caked to my feet again
- travel internationally, on my lonesome (the international part comes in 2 hours. WHAT)
- speak only French for a full day
- go to an African dance party
- find an African church to go to
- make dinner with my host mom(s)
- buy something in a Cameroonian marketplace on my own, without a translator
- take a taxi for the first time (location optional: Africa, Paris, USA)
- ...swim in the Mediterranean
- order Cafe au a cafe in Paris
- also, eat baguettes and pain au chocolat in Paris
- did I mention, see Paris?
- buy a scarf of a summer dress..something so I can say casually "oh yeah, I got it in Paris"
- play soccer with African kiddos every chance I get
- learn to take good photos...aka at least one I am very proud/vain of, because good is subjective and I have too many photographer friends
- make fabulous French press coffee, without having to call for Mom's help
- have a real grown-up internship
- perks if it's anti-trafficking
- buy a silver (African) ring that fits my lonely, too fat for all my rings, pointer finger
- dance at midnight to 22 as I turn 22
- throw a 12 dancing princesses evening party, and dance in flow-y dresses with a bonfire and flowers in my hair
- have a townhouse (hopefully) with a KITCHEN
- bake challah and make all my friends delightfully and happily fat, but mostly me
- dance rave in my kitchen all the time
- focus on joy senior year...and people